Answer: Program to estimate the power spectral density of the signal
Step-by-step explanation:
fs= 4000; % Hz sample rate Ts= 1/fs; f0= 500; % Hz sine frequency A= sqrt(2); % V sine amplitude for P= 1 W into 1 ohm. N= 1024; % number of time samples n= 0:N-1; % time index x= A*sin(2*pi*f0*n*Ts) + .1*randn(1,N); % 1 W sinewave + noise
Spectrum in dBW/Hz
nfft= N; window= rectwin(nfft); [pxx,f]= pwelch(x,window,0,nfft,fs); % W/Hz power spectral density PdB_Hz= 10*log10(pxx); % dBW/Hz
Spectrum in dBW/bin
nfft= N; window= rectwin(nfft); [pxx,f]= pwelch(x,window,0,nfft,fs); % W/Hz power spectral density PdB_bin= 10*log10(pxx*fs/nfft); % dBW/bin