The main main idea was that it was necessary that, first, the Hidus change their thoughts about themselves, so that the world could see them as they truly are.
Step-by-step explanation:
The above text shows that if Hindus keep the thought that they are untouchable in their heads, that thought will reflect their image to the whole world. In this way, people see them as untouchable, different, dominated and weak. If that thought remains, they will not have the strength to fight British imperial domination. Nobody will sympathize with their cause because they will see them as something remote and out of reality.
The text goes on to state that if the Hiindus stop seeing themselves as untouchable, the world will see them differently and will stop categorizing them, but they will see them as equals, as a family, a community.
Based on this, we can say that the central idea of the text was to state that it is necessary for Hindus to change their thoughts about themselves, allowing the world to see them as they really are.