Give n go offense
Step-by-step explanation:
he give-and-go, often called pass-and-cut, is a basic offensive play in which a player simply passes (gives) to a teammate and cuts (goes) to the basket, attempting to break free of his defender and expecting a return pass from his teammate. If the defender moves with the first pass, or turns his head, the ensuing cut should be quick and straight; however, a fake, feint, change of direction, or change of pace may be necessary in order to draw a reaction from the defender. When they see the give-and-go maneuver initiated, other offensive players must decoy their defenders from the basket area and passing lane. If free to receive a pass, the cutter should raise his hand nearest the basket as a passing signal and target. The pass can be a straight pass, a bounce pass, or a lob pass as the situation warrants.