The four-sentence I believe cover the general idea of the distribution of aid to different regions of the world are:
1.- Development aid is distributed all over the world to help countries in ways of development to boost their economies, environments, societies, and politics.
2.- Even though the aid is sent to all the regions of the world to generate the biggest possible impact. In many cases, corrupt governments or leaders commit money laundering to keep it to their own.
3.- Health, education, and economical projects are the three main areas of the distribution of economical aid.
4.- Even though corruption is a very big obstacle in the majority of the countries that receive aid. A minority of them have used the aid to develop and increase their environments. South Korea, Singapur, and many others are proof of this.
Step-by-step explanation:
The reasons backing these answers are: First of all, the developed countries provide money to the countries that they believe to fill the requisites to become developed countries and offer them help in the form of grants, credits, or economical projects that allow them to improve their environments. The most immediate effect is that they boost the economy, creating many jobs, and education is also improved. This is the approach that is also suggested by developed countries, so developing countries can use the aid at its best. Nevertheless, corruption is a big obstacle that slows the process. However, that doesn't leave the countries out of the aid programs, instead, they receive more aid to end corruption and abuse of power.