I feel that it is always better to hear about someone's talent and abilities from a secondhand source than listen to a person brag about their own talents.
Step-by-step explanation:
After Atticus shoots and kills a rabid dog in one shot, both Jem and Scout are astonished at their father's marksmanship abilities and wonder why he never bragged about his talent. Miss Maudie explains to the children that Atticus is an extremely humble man with a civilized heart. Miss Maudie then tells Jem and Scout, "People in their right minds never take pride in their talents" (Lee, 102). Later that day, Scout mentions to Jem that she cannot wait to brag about her father's abilities at school, and Jem tells her to not say anything. Jem recognizes that his father is a gentleman and wishes to follow in his footsteps by behaving like a humble individual, which is why he encourages Scout to not brag about their father's talents. Personally, I would be able to control my pride and emotions by staying silent about my father's marksmanship abilities. Maycomb is a small town, and the word would rapidly spread about Atticus's expert marksmanship.