I dont know what the essay should be about so i just wrote one about ben franklin.... hope this helps...it took a long time
Benjamin Franklin
By Your name
Electricity is used all throughout the world, to power homes, electronic devices, and more. It is all thanks to the brilliant scientist and inventor: Benjamin Franklin. He was a genius inventor, scientist, and writer. He is mainly famous for his experiments on electricity, signing the Declaration of Independence, and for writing the well-known book Poor Richard’s Almanack. Benjamin Franklin, on top of all his other achievements, is also credited for the suggestion of the design of the first U.S. penny. Franklin was “the youngest Son of the youngest Son for five Generations back,” he wrote in his autobiography, which is one of the most widely known autobiographies ever written. Benjamin Franklin was an extremely gifted student who grew to be an amazingly talented scientist; his discoveries of electricity still shape the world today.
Benjamin Franklin was born on January 17, 1706, in Boston, Massachusetts. His father had married Anne Child and had 7 children with her. Then he married Abiah Folger and had ten more, including Franklin. As a child, Franklin wanted to go to sea as one of his brothers did. To stop him, his father, Josiah Franklin apprenticed him to the printing shop owned and run by his older brother James. One of Franklin’s favorite hobbies was reading and writing. As a young boy all the way until his death, Franklin continued to spend his time with books. While working at his brother’s printing shop, Franklin wrote 14 articles in his brother’s paper, without his knowledge, which were immediately a hit.
Franklin attended Boston Latin School until he was pulled out to work in his father’s candle shop at age ten. Franklin, in the few years at school, was almost immediately one of the smartest students. Soon he became the top of his class. Benjamin Franklin, though famous for his studies in science, actually excelled in writing at his school. Franklin’s true education did not come from his school but from his own trial and error.
One of Franklin’s greatest contributions was his discovery of electricity, which he discovered in the early 1750’s. Franklin’s most famous experiment was the Franklin Kite Experiment, which discovered the nature of lightning. Another one of Franklin’s contributions was the signing of the Declaration of Independence. He signed the Declaration on July 4th, 1776 and became one of the seven Founding Fathers. Without Franklin’s experiments there would be no electricity. The whole root of America would not exist if it weren’t for him.
Benjamin Franklin died at age 84, on April 17th, 1790. On this sad day 20,000 people attended his funeral. His contributions to the world are something that has infinite value. From childhood to his death, his high intellect and creative thinking have changed the world more than imaginable. Even after his death, Benjamin Franklin’s electrifying ideas still light the world.