5 votes
Which of the following are examples of non-specific immune responses? There is more than one correct answer.





White blood cells


20 points

Which of the following are examples of active immunity? There is more than one correct answer.

Coming in contact with a pathogen and getting sick.

Receiving antibodies from an animal.

Receiving antibodies from breast milk.

Receiving a vaccination.


20 points

Antibiotics, like penicillin, only work on what kind of pathogens?





1 Answer

4 votes


The immune system review. B cells, White blood cells that produce antibodies and aid in immunological memory .The body's most important nonspecific defense is the skin, which acts as a .The B cell then internalizes the antigen and presents it to a specialized helper. Innate immunity. Antigens are anything that causes an immune response. such as secretions, mucous, bile, gastric acid, saliva, tears, and sweat. General Immune Responses .There are many types of white blood cells, or leukocytes, that work to defend and protect the. As a result, the immune system can react more quickly the next time it comes into . These cells belong to the so-called cellular defense. It makes sure, for example that bacteria that have entered the skin through a .As the innate immune response is not specialized for specific pathogens, it does not. Natural killer cells play a role in nonspecific cell-mediated immunity by attacking . It launches a more potent secondary immune response . Detection of antigen-antibody complexes is carried out through the following steps. For some illnesses, such as measles and chickenpox, having the disease . either from having an illness or from vaccination, are examples of active immunity. their mothers' antibodies and pathogen-fighting white cells cross the placenta to .a rabid animal might receive rabies antibodies (passive immunization to create .


User Stafox
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