Read this excerpt from Wheels of Change by Sue Macy.
In efforts to restart the lives of those devastated by the crushing waves of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, my husband, F. K. Day, and I founded World Bicycle Relief (WBR). WBR works to provide access to independence and livelihood through the power of bicycles. During our work in Sri Lanka in 2005-2006, we put more than 24,000 new bicycles into the hands of those rebuilding their lives. Since 2006, we have moved into Africa where we currently work in Zambia, Zimbabwe, and Kenya addressing oppressive poverty and the AIDS pandemic by mobilizing volunteer caregivers, students, and entrepreneurs with bicycles.
What chronology is described in the excerpt?
A)the country’s recovery from the 2004 tsunami
B)the initial successes of World Bike Relief
C)a life transformed by bicycle ownership
D)a volunteer experience with World Bike Relief