Answer: the explanation gives you the code used
Step-by-step explanation:
There are several ways to go about this, here is just one way to carry out this computation.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
bool dangerousDescent(int* elevationArray , int sizeOfElevationArray)
//we calculate gradient throughout elevationArray and if any one of them is more than -5%
//then return true else return false
//gradientOfSectionX = rise in elevation/Distance covered in merters
//where rise in elevation is (elevationOfX - elevationOfX_previous)
bool isDangerousDecent = false;
float gradient = 0;
int threshold = -5;
float riseInElevation = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < sizeOfElevationArray && isDangerousDecent == false; i++)
if (i > 0)
//check to avoid array out of bound error
riseInElevation = (elevationArray[i] - elevationArray[i - 1]);
gradient = riseInElevation / 1000; //1000 meters = 1km because every marker is at 1 kilometer distance
gradient = gradient * 100; //percentage
if (gradient > threshold)
isDangerousDecent = true;
cout << "There is a gradient of " << gradient << "% on section " << elevationArray[i] << " of hiking trail " << endl;
//first section not included because that was starting point with 0% elevatoin
return isDangerousDecent;
int main()
int elevationArray[] = { 100,50,20,30,50,40 };
int size = sizeof elevationArray / sizeof elevationArray[0];
if (dangerousDescent(elevationArray, size) == true)
cout << "There is a dangerous decent of gradient more than -5% in hiking trail " << endl;
cout << "There is no dangerous decent of gradient more than -5% in hiking trail " << endl;