1) Technoscapes
2) Financescapes
Step-by-step explanation:
Anthropologist Arjun Appadurai discussed globalisation in terms of five specific “scapes” or flows: ethnoscapes, technoscapes, ideoscapes, financescapes, and mediascapes. Thinking of globalization in terms of the people, things, and ideas that flow across national boundaries is a productive framework for understanding the shifting social landscapes in which contemporary people are often embedded in their daily lives.
For instance, I currently put on a T - shirt manufactured by RemsRemedial.
If the cloth is made in Ondo state Nigeria, Something as seemingly simple as a T-shirt can actually involve all five of Appadurai’s scapes. The corporations responsible for the production of these shirts themselves are part of capitalism, an idea which has become part of the international ideoscape.
The financescape is altered by a company in the Nigeria contracting a production facility in another country where labor costs are cheaper. The equipment needed to create these T-shirts is purchased and delivered to the production facility, thus altering the technoscape.
The ethnoscape is affected by individuals migrating from their homes in rural villages to Ondo city centers, often disrupting traditional residence patterns in the process. Finally, the mediascape is involved in the marketing of these T-shirts.