1. The moments of loudness represent constructive interference.
3.The moments of softness represent destructive interference.
5. The instrument is tuned when the frequencies of the standard and the instrument align.
Step-by-step explanation:
Beats are the periodic and repeating fluctuations heard in the intensity of a sound when two sound waves of very similar frequencies interfere with one another.
Constructive interference is the process whereby two waves of identical wavelength that are in phase form a new wave with an amplitude equal to the sum of their individual amplitudes.
In the case of musical instruments, the loudness is due to a wave of larger amplitude formed as a result of the constructive interference of two waves that are in phase
Destructive Interference is the interference of two waves of equal frequency and opposite phase, resulting in the formation of a wave of lesser amplitude or even total cancellation.
The softness in sound is due to the destructive interference of two waves in opposite phase.
When there is an alignment in the frequency of the standard and the instrument, the instrument is tuned