In order to find this we need to understand that every time we bet we are selecting white ball. Because of this we have the chance of getting two times right and two times wrong irrespective of the order. For example we can any of the following orders:
White - White - Black - Black
White - Black - White - Black
Black - White - Black - White
Black - Black - White - White
Irrespective of any of the orders above every time our bet is right (we get white urn) the amount of dollars that we have get increased by half of the current amount. For example on the first turn we are betting $40 (half of initial amount = $80) and if we are right we now have $120 with us. This can be written as
1.5*$80 = $120
Similarly if on first turn we get wrong (black ball) then our amount is half of initial which can be written as
0.5*$80 = $40
So now we know that exactly two times we will be right and exactly two times we will be wrong irrespective of the order because the balls are not replaced hence final solution is:
E(X) = 80*1.5*1.5*0.5*0.5
= $45