Check the explanation
Period, X Actual , Y
1 6
2 11
3 9
4 16
5 17
Y= intercept + slope*x
Answer a and b:
INTERCEPT(known Y's,known X's) Slope(known Y's,known X's)
3.7 2.7
Simple linear regression equation is
Forecast, Y= 3.7+ 2.7*x
Period, X Actual , Y linear Absolute squared
trend deviation= deviation=
Forecast, |Forecast - (absolute
Y= 3.7+ 2.7*x Actual| deviation)^2
1 6 6.40 0.4 0.2
2 11 9.10 1.9 3.6
3 9 11.80 2.8 7.8
4 16 14.50 1.5 2.3
5 17 17.20 0.2 0.0
6 19.90
Answer c: MSE= 2.78
Answer d: Forecast for x= 6= 19.90