Completed question below:
A palindrome is a string that's the same forward as it is backwards. Examples include "a”, “racecar”, “hannah”, “rats live on no evil star”, “ The algorithm below takes in a string and returns the length of the longest prefix of the string that's a palindrome. Example input-output pairs include (“apple”, 1), (“attack”, 4), (“racecar”, 7).
Find a tight bound (O) on the runtime (number of steps) of the following algorithm:
palindrome-prefix (s)
1. n <---length (s)
2. current_best to
3. for i <--- 1 to n
4. is-palindrome + true
5. for j <--- 1 to i :
6. if s[j] = s[i+1-j] then
7. is_palindrome <--- False
8. if is_palindrome then
9. current_best <---i
10. return current_best
Note: s[i] means the ith character from string s.
Step-by-step explanation:
The outer loop iterates i values from 1 to n and for each of those outer iterations, inner loop iterates i times.
Total iterations = 1 +2 + 3 + 4.....+ n =
which is the sum of the series
= 0.5 n² + 0.5 n.
Therefore, the time complexity is Θn²