5/12 or 41.66666% or 42%
There are two number cubes both listed as 1-6. In order to find the probability of the total on both cubes being a prime number, you'd have to first come up with the prime numbers possible by addition. You should get 2, 3, 5, 7, and 11.
After finding the numbers possible, you have to find each of the different number combinations that you could use to get there. You should get 15 different possibilities.
1, 1
1, 2
2, 1
1, 4
4, 1
2, 3
3, 2
1, 6
6, 1
2, 5
5, 2
3, 4
4, 3
5, 6
6, 5
Now, you have to find the total possibilities. You should get 36.
1, 1
1, 2
1, 3
1, 4
1, 5
1, 6
2, 1
2, 2
2, 3
2, 4
2, 5
2, 6
3, 1
3, 2
3, 3
3, 4
3, 5
3, 6
4, 1
4, 2
4, 3
4, 4
4, 5
4, 6
5, 1
5, 2
5, 3
5, 4
5, 5
5, 6
6, 1
6, 2
6, 3
6, 4
6, 5
6, 6
Now all you have to do is divide the two numbers (15 and 36), and you should get 5/12 as an exact answer, or 41.66666 (repeating) %, which you can round up to 42%.