1 vote
1. Write program, WriteData.java, that writes the following data to file books.txt. Include the semicolons. Fiction;Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter;Grahame-Smith;Wiley;NY;13.99;222 Fiction;Frankenstein;Shelley;Prescott;GA;7.99;321 NonFiction;Life of Kennedy;Jones;Pearson;MT;12.90;biography Fiction;Dracula;Stoker;Addison;CA;5.99;145 Fiction;Curse of the Wolfman;Hageman;Wesley;MA;10.59;876 NonFiction;How to Pass Java;Willis;Wiley;NY;1.99;technology Fiction;The Mummy;Rice;Addision;CA;7.99;954 NonFiction;History of Texas;Smith;Prescott;CA;9.75;history 2. Write class Publisher with attributes name and state. 3. Rewrite the Book class to include a type Publisher attribute. 4. Write two children of the Book class: FictionBook and NonFictionBook. FictionBook has an additional attribute, fictionCode. NonFictionBook has an additional attribute, catagoryCode. 5. Rewrite the BookTest program. Method buildInstances will read the data from the file, create instances of FictionBook and NonfictionBook from the data, assign these instances to the Book array and return the bookArray as before. Since it is reading data from the file, it does not have any method parameters. 6. Method createCharges should work the same.

User Nuncjo
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import java.io.FileWriter;

import java.io.PrintWriter;

class WriteData {

String[][] data;

public WriteData() {

// Data to write to the file

data = new String[][]{{ "Fiction", "Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter", "Grahame-Smith", "Wiley", "NY", "13.99", "222"},

{"Fiction", "Frankenstein", "Shelley", "Prescott", "GA", "7.99", "321"},

{"NonFiction", "Life of Kennedy", "Jones", "Pearson", "MT", "12.90", "biography"},

{"Fiction", "Dracula", "Stoker", "Addison", "CA", "5.99", "145"},

{"Fiction", "Curse of the Wolfman", "Hageman", "Wesley", "MA", "10.59", "876"},

{"NonFiction", "How to Pass Java", "Willis", "Wiley", "NY", "1.99", "technology"},

{"Fiction", "The Mummy", "Rice", "Addision", "CA", "7.99", "954"},

{"NonFiction", "History of Texas", "Smith", "Prescott", "CA", "9.75", "history"}};


public void writeToFile() {

try {

PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter("books.txt")); // Creating an output stream to write to file

// Writing data to the file line by line

for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {

pw.println(data[i][0] + ";" + data[i][1] + ";" + data[i][2] + ";" + data[i][3] + ";" + data[i][4] + ";" + data[i][5] + ";" + data[i][6]);


pw.close(); // Closing the created output stream


catch(Exception e) {






class Publisher {

private String name, state;

public Publisher(String name, String state) {

this.name = name;

this.state = state;


// Getters and Setters

public String getName() {

return name;


public void setName(String name) {

this.name = name;


public String getState() {

return state;


public void setState(String state) {

this.state = state;


public String toString() {

return name + ";" + state;




class Book {

private String title, author;

private double price;

private Publisher publisher;

public Book(String title, String author, Publisher publisher, double price) {

this.title = title;

this.author = author;

this.publisher = publisher;

this.price = price;


public Double calculateCharge(int Qty){

return getPrice()*Qty;


public String getTitle() {

return title;


public void setTitle(String title) {

this.title = title;


public String getAuthor() {

return author;


public void setAuthor(String author) {

this.author = author;


public String getPublisher() {

return publisher.toString();


public void setPublisher(Publisher publisher) {

this.publisher = publisher;


public double getPrice() {

return price;


public void setPrice(double price) {

this.price = price;




class FictionBook extends Book {

String fictionCode;

public FictionBook(String title, String author, Publisher publisher, double price, String fictionCode) {

super(title, author, publisher, price); // Calling the parent constructor to initialize values

this.fictionCode = fictionCode;


// Getter and Setter

public String getFictionCode() {

return fictionCode;


public void setFictionCode(String fictionCode) {

this.fictionCode = fictionCode;




class NonFictionBook extends Book {

String categoryCode;

public NonFictionBook(String title, String author, Publisher publisher, double price, String categoryCode) {

super(title, author, publisher, price); // Calling the parent constructor to initialize values

this.categoryCode = categoryCode;


// Getter and Setter

public String getCategoryCode() {

return categoryCode;


public void setCategoryCode(String categoryCode) {

this.categoryCode = categoryCode;




import java.util.Scanner;

import java.util.*;

import java.io.File;

import java.io.FileNotFoundException;

public class BookTest {

public static void main(String[] args) {

// TODO code application logic here

// Writing data to the file using WriteData.java program

WriteData writeData = new WriteData();


int[] BookQauntity = {12, 8, 3, 53, 7, 23, 14, 5, 6};

Book[] book = new BookTest().buildInstances();

Double GrandTotal= new BookTest().createCharges(BookQauntity, book);

System.out.println("GrandTotal : "+ GrandTotal);


catch(FileNotFoundException e) {

System.err.println("File not found");


return bk;


// ISBN info is removed

Double createCharges(int[] BookQuantity, Book[] book){

Double Gtotal =0.0, total=0.0;

for(int i=0; i<8; i++){

total = book[i].calculateCharge(BookQuantity[i]);

System.out.println("Title : "+ book[i].getTitle() + ", Total Charge : "+ total);

Gtotal +=total;


return Gtotal;



User Alejandro Aburto
6.2k points