see explaination please
Step-by-step explanation:
a. Install a faster CPU. Answer:NO
Optional: a faster CPU reduces the CPU utilizationfurther since the CPU will spend more time waiting for a process toenter in the ready queue.
b. Install a bigger paging disk. Answer:NO
Optional: the size of the paging disk does not affect theamount of memory that is needed to reduce the pagefaults.
c. Increase the degree of multiprogramming Answer:NO
Since each process would have fewer frames available andthe page fault rate would increase
d. Decrease the degree of multiprogramming.Answer: YES
Optional: by suspending some of the processes, the otherprocesses will have more frames in order to bring their pages inthem, hence reducing the page faults.
e. Install more main memory. Answer:Likely
Optional: more pages can remain resident and do notrequire paging to or from the disks.
f. Install a faster hard disk or multiplecontrollers with multiple hard disks. Answer:Likely
g. Add prepaging to the page-fetchalgorithms.Answer: Likely
h. Increase the page size. Answer:NO
Since each process would have fewer frames available and the page fault rate would increase