Answer:Anatomical barriers prohibit any unwanted entrance and colonization of several microbes.
Anatomical barrier are for example the skin,bony encasements and mucous membranes.
Explanation:The skin
The skin is made up of the epidermis and dermis which is dry with a 37 degree Celsius temperature and is also acidic.
The conditions mentioned above are negative for bacterial growth hence they discourage it.
Surface of the skin usually from.the dead , keratinized cells are constantly sloughed off in order to prohibit colonization by microbes
Sweat glands and our hair follicles are also crucial in eliminating bacteria through their toxic lips and lysozyme.
There are also T-lymphocytes underneath the epidermis which fight every foreign microbes in our bodies.
The mucous membranes
Mucus physically traps microbes. They are found in our respiratory tract, the gastrointestinal tract, and the genitourinary tract. Mucus contains lysozyme which destroys bacteria and has secretory IgA which prohibit microbes by trapping them in mucous.
Bony encasements
The example is our skull and thoracic cage that helps us not get affected by an unwanted entry from microbes.
Describe how these mechanisms are or could be related to the symptoms you often get when someone falls ill :
-The cough and sneeze reflex:
As we cough and sneeze the mucus that comes out , goes out with the trapped microbes.
Vomiting and diarrhea: Our body fight infections or any toxins by removing them through the gastrointestinal tract.
The other ways is through actual physical removal of wastes and unwanted products which also includes flushing microbes when we urinate , perspire,cry and and through saliva.