C. Neo Personality Inventory 3 (NEO PI-3)
Step-by-step explanation:
NEO PI-3 examines the big five personality traits that a person has and divide them further into several sub-categories.
The Big 5 personality traits consist of : Neuroticism, Extraversion , Openness to experience,Agreeableness, Conscientiousness By using NEO PI-3 we can find out the more specific things correlated to these traits.
For example,
When examining people with high openness to experience NEO PI-3 could find out whether that openness NEO PI-3 could be used to find out whether those people are open to experience related to fantasy , aesthetics , or idea.
When examining people with Low Agreeableness. NEO PI-3 can be used to find out whether that low agreeableness are related to Trust in others, ability to cooperate, or morality standard.
By knowing these specific information, we can have higher accuracy in determining the type of job that suitable for those people.