3 votes
Input and Output. Keep the program running in a Do-While Loop or While Loop. Conditional statements. User defined functions for most menu items. User define structs. Arrays of type your struct -- You may assume a maximum of 50 products. The program should prompt the user for the valid password – EGC251 (10 pt.) The user then should be prompted with the following menu: (10 pt.) Input new product record – prompt user for each record of a new product (20 pt.) Edit a product – display the current record item and accept a new value. This would be if you want to add more items of the same product. (20 pt.) Delete a product – remove the product from the list and rearrange the product array (20 pt.) Display all existing product – display each record on a separate line (20 pt.) Make a sale – prompt the user for the product ID and number of items sold, calculate the sale, and update the number of available items. (20 pt.) Display the product record with the highest sale – search the records to find the highest sale for a product (20 pt.) Display all product with zero quantity – search all products with zero quantity (20 pt.) Exit the program (10 pt.)

User Azat
7.8k points

1 Answer

7 votes


See explaination

Step-by-step explanation:

#include <stdio.h>

#define MAX_SIZE 50

#define password "mypassword"

void addProduct(struct product arr[], struct product p);

void deleteProduct(struct product arr[], char[] productId)

void editProduct(struct product arr[], int incrementKey, char[] productId) //incrementKey is the how much quanity user wants to add of the existing product

void display(struct product arr[]);

void saleProduct(struct product arr[], char[] productId, int soldItems);

void displayHighestSaleProduct(struct product arr[]);

void displayProductWithZeroQuantity(struct product arr[]);

int totalItems = 0;

struct product


char id[10]; //product id

char name[50]; //name of product

int quantity; //number of items of product in the inventory

int numSold; //number of items sold

float price; //price of the product

float sales; //total sale


void saleProduct(struct product arr[], char[] productId, int soldItems)


int index = 0;

while(strcmp(arr[index].id, productId) != 0) //getting the index of product same as productId


arr[index].qunatity -= soldItems;

arr[index].sales += (soldItems*arr[index].price);


void displayProductWithZeroQuantity(struct product arr[])


int x = 0;

printf("Zero Quantity Product:");

for(int i=0;i<totalItems;i++)

if(arr[i].qunatity == 0)


printf("Id=>%s\tName=>%s\tQuantity=>%d\tNumSold=>%.2f\tPrice=>%d\tSales=>%.2f", &arr[i].id, &arr[i].name, &arr[i].quantity, &arr[i].numSold, &arr[i].price, &arr[i].sales);

x = 1;


if(x == 0)

printf("No product with zero quantity.");


void displayHighestSaleProduct(struct product arr[])


float max = 0.0f;

int index = 0;

for(int i=0;i<totalItems;i++)

if(arr[i].sales > max)


max = arr[i].sales;

index = i;


printf("Highest saling product:");

printf("Id=>%s\tName=>%s\tQuantity=>%d\tNumSold=>%.2f\tPrice=>%d\tSales=>%.2f", &arr[index].id, &arr[index].name, &arr[index].quantity, &arr[index].numSold, &arr[index].price, &arr[index].sales);


void display(struct product arr[])


for(int i=0;i<totalItems;i++)


printf("Id=>%s\tName=>%s\tQuantity=>%d\tNumSold=>%.2f\tPrice=>%d\tSales=>%.2f", &arr[i].id, &arr[i].name, &arr[i].quantity, &arr[i].numSold, &arr[i].price, &arr[i].sales);




void editProduct(struct product arr[], int incrementKey, char productId[])


int index = 0;

while(strcmp(arr[index].id, productId) != 0) //getting the index of product same as productId


arr[index].quantity += incrementKey ;


void addProduct(struct product arr[], struct product p)


int index = 0;

while(index < totalItems)


arr[index] = p;



void deleteProduct(struct product arr[], char[] productId)


int index = 0;

while(strcmp(arr[index].id, productId) != 0) //getting the index of product same as productId


for(int i = index;i<totalItems-1;i++)

arr[i] = arr[i+1] ;



void processintChoice(int x, struct product arr)




case 1:


char id[10];

char name[50];

int quantity;

float price;

printf("\\enter the id of product:");

scanf("%s", &id);

printf("\\enter the name of product:");

scanf("%s", &name);

printf("\\enter the quantity of product:");

scanf("%d", &quantity);

printf("\\enter the price of product:");

scanf("%.2f", &price );

struct product p;

p.id = id;

p.name = name;

p.quantity = quantity;

p.price = price;

p.numSold = 0;

p.sales = 0.0f;

addProduct(arr, p);


case 2:


char str[10];

int num;

printf("enter the product id");

scanf("\\%s", &str);

printf("enter the number by which you want to increase product items.")

scanf("\\%d", &num);

editProduct(arr, num ,str);


case 3:


char p[10];

printf("enter the product id to delete product:");

scanf("\\%s", &p);

deleteProduct(arr, p);


case 4:




case 5:


char p[10];

int num;

printf("enter the product od to purchse:");

scanf("\\%s", &p);

printf("enter the number of items u want to purchse:");

scanf("\\%d", &num);

saleProduct(arr, p, num);


case 6:




case 7:




case 8:






int main()


struct product arr[MAX_SIZE];

char pass[10];

printf("please enter the password:")

scanf("\\%s", &pass);

if(strcmp(pass, password) == 0)



printf("\\please select the proper option from the below menu:");

printf("\\1.) Input new product record");

printf("\\2.) Edit a product");

printf("\\3.) delete a product");

printf("\\4.) display all existing products");

printf("\\5.) make a purchase");

printf("\\6.) display the product detail with highest sale");

printf("\\7.) display a product with zero quantity");

printf("\\8.) exit the program");

int choice;

printf("\\Choice - >");

scanf("%d", &choice);

if(choice < 1 && choice > 8 )


printf("Invalid Choice! please choose again");

goto label;



processChoice(choice, arr);


else return(0);


User Dheerosaur
7.7k points