Sirius A is 1.608 times the size of the Sun.
Step-by-step explanation:
The radiant flux establishes how much energy an observer or a detector can get from a luminous source per unit time and per unit surface area.
is the radiant power received from the source, L is its intrinsic luminosity and r is the distance.
The Stefan-Boltzmann law is defined as:
is the radiant power,
is the Stefan-Boltzmann constant and T is the temperature.
Then, equation 2 can be replaced in equation 1
Notice that L is the energy emitted per second by the source.
Therefore, r can be isolated from equation 3.
The luminosity of the Sun can be estimated isolating L from equation 3.

To find the luminosity of Sirius A, the following can be used:

Finally, equation 4 can be used to determine the radius of Sirius A.

So, Sirius A has a radius of

Hence, Sirius A is 1.608 times the size of the Sun.