It means that one Euro increase in Quarterly road tax will lead to a 16.44 Euros increase in the Offer price. Or, one Euro decrease in Quarterly road tax will lead to a 16.44 Euros increase in the Offer price.
Step-by-step explanation:
Using a0 represent the intercept, a1 to a6 to represent the coefficient, and u to represent the coefficient, the estimated multiple linear regression model can be presented as follows:
Price = a0 + a1(Age) + a2(Weight) + a3(HP) + a4(KM) + a5(Quarterly_Tax) + a6(Fuel_Type) + u
In the model, the coefficient of all the independent variables are assumed to be positive.
Given that a5 = 16.44, it means that one Euro increase in Quarterly road tax will lead to a 16.44 Euros increase in the Offer price. Or, one Euro decrease in Quarterly road tax will lead to a 16.44 Euros increase in the Offer price.