Step-by-step explanation:
a)Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) : Intelligence support provided includes, but is not limited to all-source military analysis, human factors analysis, HUMINT, MASINT, MEDINT, CI, counterterrorism, chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear counter-proliferation, counterdrug operations, and personnel recovery.
b) Reconnaissance Office (NRO): Responsible for integrating unique and innovative space-based reconnaissance technologies, and the engineering, development, acquisition, and operation of space reconnaissance systems and related intelligence activities.
c) National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA): Provides timely, relevant, and accurate GEOINT support to IMINT, geospatial information, national imagery collection management, commercial imagery, imagery-derived MASINT, and some meteorological and oceanographic data and information.
d) National Security Agency (NSA)/Central Security Service(CSS) :A unified organization that provides for the SIGINT mission of the U.S. to ensure the protection of national security systems for all departments and agencies of the U.S. Government.