On 6 June 1944, D-Day, Allied troops landed on the coast of Normandy. It was the start of the campaign to liberate Europe and defeat Germany. The Battle of Normandy was a hard-fought campaign. By the end of August, the Germans were in full retreat out of France.during d day the Invasion of Normandy was taken place. On June 6, 1944 the Allied Forces of Britain, America, Canada, and France attacked German forces on the coast of Normandy, France. With a huge force of over 150,000 soldiers, the Allies attacked and gained a victory that became the turning point for World War II in Europe. The Treaty if Versaliles: all the way back to World War I the treaty of Versailles caused D-day because it punished the Germans very severely that Hitler wanted to get revenge so that caused world war 2 which then caused D-day.
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