Colin Powell was a brave soldier.He had been a versatile student.
He was always loyal to his job.
Step-by-step explanation:
- During the time of his tour in Vietnam, Powell got injured in a helicopter crash. Despite his injury, he bravely managed to rescue his comrades from the burning helicopter, and for which he was awarded the prestigious Soldier's Medal.
- Powell also earned his education as an MBA at the George Washington University, in Washington, D.C., and also had won a White House fellowship in 1972.
- Because of his diligence, he was assigned to the Office of Management and Budget during the Nixon administration and made a powerful impression on the Caspar Weinberger and Frank Carlucci.
- Powell became the national security adviser, it was a post that he held for the duration of the Reagan administration.
- During the illegal shipments of U.S. weapons to Iran, the sale of the weapons would go to support the counter-insurgency movement in Nicaragua, Powell was also asked about the shipment before Congress about the incident, but he was not subjected to any wrongdoing