Goal acceptance
Step-by-step explanation:
Goals setting means outlining the desired objectives to achieved by a business or an organization for the period. Organizations usually set goals at the beginning of each period or year. This will guide them throughout the course of the period should their be any deviation from these set goals.
When goals are spelt out and cascaded to lower cadre, the surbodinate must take ownership of the goals related to him or her. There must be commitment to the attainment of these goals by the surbodinate.
Managers have a duty to help and guide surbodinates reasonably so that they can accept the goals and make it their own. Where goals are not clearly spelt out or are ambiguous, it is the duty of the manager to help simplify and make it clearer for his surbodinate.
It is also imperative that surbodinates are involved in goal settings. Their involvement would bring internalization and drive essential to the attainment of these goals.