Due to the recent concerns about this pandemic, online learning has been the predominant method of attaining education during this time. Although the free time does feel good, and Charlotte Fong, a 17 year old female, is fairly comfortable with her online schedule, she brings to light an issue for a lot of people. That is the fact that in-person schooling is not only where we get information and education. It is where every person builds their character, whit, conversational skills and social awareness. If this legislative action against mass meetings prolongs, people who are working on their social skills or who simply would have liked to have some more time to make some friends before summer is now at a loss. Most people, especially in the age of high school and college, meet friends which they keep for years. However, without that daily interpersonal interaction, people will feel more comfortable being isolated. Even just on the surface it is very much more difficult for students to reach out to teachers and professors without feeling they are interrupting an online class when a question arises. It also puts it out of the control of the student to keep up with their work if a teacher doesn't respond to emails but there is no person to talk to about it. We could say using zoom and other video conferencing tools are very time efficient, but it could also be argued that they are not effective in actually giving quality education that leaves us with well qualified professionals. Especially in fields like biology, chemistry, and physics where in person labs make up a tremendous part of a students' understandings of the workings of the subject. Overall, the system we had before has been working for centuries and it would probably be better if it was reinstated as soon as possible.
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