#The program sets Z to 0 if the X <= Y. otherwise sets Z to 1 , if the X > Y.
clear Z; # sets Z to 0
clear U; # sets U to 0
clear V; # sets v to 0
clear T; # sets T to 0
while Y not 0 # repeat until Y times
# process to decrement Y by 1
while Y not 0
incr U;
decr Y;
decr U;
while U not 0
incr Y;
decr U;
#process to decrement X by 1
while X not 0
incr V
decr X;
while V not 0
decr V;
while V not 0
incr T;
decr V;
while T not 0
incr X
decr T
#end of main while loop
#after running the main while loop, X will be positive and non - zero number, # #if X > Y. otherwise X and Y will be zero.
#process to increment Z by 1, if X is positive and non - zero number
while X not 0
while X not 0
decr X;
incr Z;
#end of while
Step-by-step explanation:
The program is totakes in as input two variables X and Y.
The main function of the program is to return or place a 0 in the variable Z if the variable X is less than or equal to Y, and place a 1 in the variable Z if the variable X is greater than Y.
When these conditions are met, end program.