SELECT country.Name, city.Name
FROM country
JOIN countrylanguage ON country.Code = countrylanguage.CountryCode
JOIN city ON country.Capital = city.ID
WHERE countrylanguage.Language = 'English'
AND countrylanguage.Percentage < 30;
Step-by-step explanation:
SELECT is used to query the database and get back the specified fields.
City.Name is an attribute of city table.
country.Name is an attribute of country table.
FROM is used to query the database and get back the preferred information by specifying the table name.
country , countrylanguage and city are the table names.
country and countrylanguage are joined based ON country.Code = countrylanguage.CountryCode
countrylanguage and city are joined based ON country.Capital = city.ID
WHERE is used to specify a condition based on which the data is to be retrieved. The conditions are as follows:
countrylanguage.Language = 'English'
countrylanguage.Percentage < 30;