Match the following terms to the correct definition:
A. Double Play E. Ground Rule Double I. Runs-Batted-In (RBI’s)
B. Double F. Home Run J. Sacrifice Fly
C. Force Play G. Infield Fly Rule K. Strike Zone
D. Foul Ball H. Out L. Triple
M. Triple Play
___________ 1. Any ball hit into foul territory
___________ 2. Credited to the defense when it records three outs in the same play
___________ 3. Can be recorded in a variety of ways: strike out, force-out, tag-out,
and/or fly-out
___________ 4. A hit in which the batter reaches third base safely
___________ 5. This occurs when a runner is forced to advance to the next base because there is a runner behind them. Tagging the runner is not required.
___________ 6. Any part of home plate between the batter’s back shoulder and front
knee (slow pitch)
___________ 7. Recorded by the defense when two outs are made on the same play
___________ 8. Recorded when a batter hits a fair ball over the fence or circles ALL the
bases without being thrown out
___________ 9. Awarded to the batter when his/her fair ball bounces over or rolls
under a fence
___________ 10. A statistic used to show how many runners scored on that batter’s hits
___________ 11. This rule prohibits an infielder from intentionally dropping a fair fly ball that can be caught with normal effort. This rule is in effect with
1st a 2nd OR 1st, 2nd, and 3rd bases occupied with zero or one outs.
The batter is automatically out, runners may advance at their own risk.
___________ 12. A hit in which the batter safely reaches second base
___________ 13. Credited to a batter whose caught fly ball results in a runner on 3rd
base tagging up touching third base after the ball is caught) and scoring.
This does not count as a time at-bat.