The band pattern will be 3Kb, 4 Kb and 10 Kb on the gel when you cut the plasmid with both restriction enzymes at the same time.
Step-by-step explanation:
Plasmid genome = 20 Kb
Eco R1 cuts at = 2 Kb point and 18 kb point
Bam H1 cuts at 5 Kb point and 15 kb point
Bam H1 recognizes 6 base pairs and cleaves them
Eco R1 recognizes the target and produces 4 nucleotide stick end having 5' overhang of AATT.
after digestion with these enzymes the bands are seen at 3kb, 4kb and 10 kb.
Digestion with eco R1 creates a band of 4 kb
while digestion with Bam H1 creates two bands one of 3kb and other of 10 kb.
Figure attached to show the cuts in plasmid by EcoR1 and Bam H1.