We know that to find unit price, we divide the unit in the numerator by the quantity in the denominator.
For the first option, we must put $1.49 as the numerator and 8 as the denominator. It will then look like this:
- Then we must divide 1.49 by 8. This will get us $0.18625.
For our second option, we must put $2.29 as the numerator, and 12 as the denominator. It will look like this:
- Then we must divide 2.29 by 12. This will get us $0.19083 (rounded)
For our third option, we must put $2.75 as the numerator, and 15 as the denominator. It will look like this:
- Then we must divide 2.75 by 15. This will get us $
For our final option, we must put $3.89 as the numerator, and 20 as the denominator. It will look like this:

- Then we must divide 3.89 by 20. This will get us $0.1945 (rounded)
Therefore, the last option is the best buy because $0.18625 > $0.18333.