Marjane and Amal the two characters of the novel who have very different perspective on wearing veil based on their experiences
Step-by-step explanation:
Marjane and Amal the two characters of the novel who have very different perspective on wearing veil based on their experiences
Marjane initially when she is young attends a coed French school, but later on she is shifted to an Islamic school meant for girls. The Islamic law mandates that the girls studying in the school has to wear a hijab both inside and outside the school,premises .Marjane is not willing to wear the veil and thus because of her experience, she forms a negative view about the veil.
On the other hand, Amal during her initial days attend a Islamic high school, prior to that she has also attended a catholic school. Amal during her days in Islamic school come across girls who take a call on whether they should wear hijab outside the school or not.She admires the choice making ability of the girls and hence she form a positive view about the veil