The occupations and reconstruction policy of 1945 to 1952
Step-by-step explanation:
After the defeat of Japan in the second world war II, the allied nations including Great Britain, Old Soviet Union, China led by United States of America sort for a way to deal with the post Japan as it discussed on how to disarm of the military, reposition the economy, deal with Japan territories and re-militarization of the country in the future.
The land reforms which dealt a big blow to the rich landowners, benefits majority tenant farmers to the disadvantage of the rich land owners, many of whom supported the war and territorial expansion of Japan. The allies also supervised the breaking up of big Japaneses conglomerates as way of creating free and competitive economy, there by giving birth to capitalist economy against the communism being practiced before the war.
Moving further, the powers of the emperor was whittled down to mere of ceremonial head.