- def show_students(message, sList):
- print(message)
- print(sList)
- print("Our students are currently in alphabetical order")
- sList.sort()
- output = ""
- for student in sList:
- output += "-" + student
- print(output)
- print("Our students are currently in reverse alphabetical order")
- sList.sort(reverse=True)
- output = ""
- for student in sList:
- output += "-" + student
- print(output)
- show_students("Welcome to new semester!", ["Aaron","Bernice", "Cody"])
Step-by-step explanation:
Firstly we declare a function that will take two inputs, message and student list (Line 1).
In the function, we first print the message and the original input student list (Line 2 - 3). Next, we use sort method to sort the input list and then output the sorted items from the list using a for loop (Line 5-10).
Next, we sort the list again by setting reverse = True and this will sort the list in descending order (Line 13). Again we use the similar way mentioned above to output the sorted items (in descending order) using a for loop (Line 14 -17)
We test the function using a sample student list (Line 18) and we shall get the output:
Welcome to new semester!
['Aaron', 'Bernice', 'Cody']
Our students are currently in alphabetical order
Our students are currently in reverse alphabetical order