Independent clauses:
dogs make great pets
Jessa joined the swim team
my brother loves drawing
Dependent clauses:
when I go to Ohio
because Kai forgot his book
Step-by-step explanation: An independent clause expresses a complete or full thought and can stand on it's own. It does not need to depend on another, phrase, clause or word to make a complete meaning. The above examples above ;
''dogs make great pets''
''Jessa joined the swim team''
''my brother loves drawing''
are complete phrases or clauses and are easy to understand because they make complete sense.
Dependent clauses on the other hand are clauses or phrases that do not make complete sense or meaning and cannot stand on their own. They need other clauses, phrases or words to complete them if not the clauses will be difficult and hard to understand or comprehend. These examples are typical examples of dependent clauses; ''when I go to Ohio'' needs more information or a clause to complete the statement also ''because Kai forgot his book'' will need another clause or phrase to make it complete.