Clearcutting pros: It creates wide, open spaces with lots of sun exposure. This allows the most sunlight to reach tree seedlings that require full-sun conditions to thrive. ... Clearcutting is the most efficient and economical method of harvesting a large group of trees.
Step-by-step explanation:
Conditions for which clear-cutting can be used as a harvesting tool include:
Regenerating tree species that need full sunlight to stimulate seed sprouting and seedling growth.
Dealing with sparse, exposed, or shallow-rooted trees in danger of being damaged by wind.
Trying to produce an even-aged stand.
Regenerating stands of tree species dependent on wind-blown seed, or cones that need fire to drop seed.
over-mature stands and/or stands killed by insects, disease, or fire.
Converting to another tree species by planting or seeding.
Providing habitat for wildlife species that require an edge, new ground, and "high-density, even-aged stands."