import java.util.ArrayList; // Needed for ArrayList class
/** This program demonstrates how to store BankAccount objects in an ArrayList. */
// Class ArrayListDemo6 is defined
public class ArrayListDemo6 {
// main method that begin program execution
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Create an ArrayList to hold BankAccount objects.
// The arraylist is called list
ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
// Add three BankAccount objects to the ArrayList.
list.add(new bankAccount(100.0)); list.add(new bankAccount(500.0)); list.add(new bankAccount(1500.0)); // Display each item using a for loop
for (int index = 0; index < array.size(); index++)
{ BankAccount account = list.get(index);
System.out.println("Account at index " + index + "\\Balance: " + account.getBalance());
Step-by-step explanation:
The code is written in Java and more comments has been added to make it more explanatory.
The code snippet is a demonstration on Arraylist.
First Arraylist is imported. Then, ArrayListDemo6 class is defined. Then the main method which begin program execution.
Inside the main method, a new Arraylist is created called list.
Then we add three BankAccount object to the list.
Lastly, we use a for loop to display each added BankAccount object.