Polynomial Zero() ::= return the polynomial p(x)=0
Boolean isZero(poly) ::= return (poly == 0)
Coefficient Coeff(poly , expon) ::= If (expon tex2html_wrap_inline93 poly) return its corresponding coefficient else return 0
Exponent LeadExp(poly) ::= return the degree of poly
Polynomial Remove(poly , expon) ::= If (expon tex2html_wrap_inline93 poly) remove the corresponding term and return the new poly else return ERROR
Polynomial SingleMult(poly , coef , expon) ::= return poly tex2html_wrap_inline105 coef x tex2html_wrap_inline107
Polynomial Add(poly1 , poly2) ::= return poly1 + poly2
Polynomial Mult(poly1 , poly2) ::= return poly1 tex2html_wrap_inline105 poly2
end Polynomial