1. Simple sentences:
- My dad is teaching me how to drive. He complains the whole time and doesn't really want to be in the car with me. (original)
- My dad reluctantly teaches me how to drive while complaining all the time.
2. Compound sentences:
- My dad is teaching me how to drive, but he complains the whole time and doesn't really want to be in the car with me.
- Although my dad is teaching me how to drive, he complains the whole time and doesn't really want to be in the car with me.
3. Complex sentences:
- While my dad is teaching me how to drive, he complains the whole time and doesn't really want to be in the car with me.
- Since my dad doesn't want to pay for a driving instructor, he is teaching me how to drive, but he complains the whole time.
4. Compound-complex sentences:
- Although my dad is teaching me how to drive, he complains the whole time and doesn't really want to be in the car with me, but he believes it's his responsibility as a parent to do so.
- My dad is teaching me how to drive, but he complains the whole time and doesn't really want to be in the car with me, whereas my mom is more patient and supportive during our driving sessions.
Step-by-step explanation: