Here is the complete code
#include <iostream> //for input output functions
using namespace std; //to identify objects like cin cout
int main() { //start of main() function body
enum GroceryItem {GR_APPLES, GR_BANANAS, GR_JUICE, GR_WATER}; //enum is used to assign names to constant
GroceryItem userItem = GR_APPLES;
//value of userItem is set to GR_APPLES
/* Your solution goes here */
//if the userItem is equal to GR_APPLES or GR_BANANAS
if((userItem == GR_APPLES) || (userItem == GR_BANANAS)){
cout << "Fruit"; } //display Fruit if above if condition is true
//if the value of userItem is equal to GR_JUICE or GR_WATER
else if((userItem == GR_JUICE) || (userItem == GR_WATER)){
cout << "Drink"; } //display Drink if the above if condition is true
else{ //if none of the above if conditions is true then print Unknown
cout << "Unknown"; }
cout << endl;
return 0; }
Step-by-step explanation:
The output of the program is Fruit because the value of userItem is set to GR_APPLES and according to the if statement if the userItem is equal to GR_APPLES than "Fruit" will be displayed on the screen as output.
The program along with its output is attached as a screen shot.