Answer:Gender identity and sexual orientation are often confused. As previously discussed, gender identity describes the gender(s) people consider themselves to be (masculine, feminine, or transgendered). Sexual orientation refers to a person's pattern of attraction to other people including physical, emotional, sexual, and romantic attraction. These patterns of attraction are usually identified in the following manner: 1) heterosexual (straight) refers to a pattern of attraction to the opposite gender, 2) homosexual (lesbian or gay) refers to a pattern of attraction to the same gender, 3) bisexual refers to a pattern of attraction to both genders, and 4) "questioning" is a term used to describe people who are not yet certain which (if any) pattern of attraction best suits them. It should be noted that an attraction is an internal psycho-emotional experience and should not be confused with sexual behavior. Therefore, sexual orientation refers to a pattern of physical, emotional, sexual, and romantic attraction to others, which may or may not be acted upon. Like gender identity, sexual orientation is usually described along a continuum ranging from exclusively heterosexual, to exclusively homosexual, with bisexuality falling in between these two poles.
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