Faced with this situation that the patient suffered, we deduce that his herniated disc generated a compressive neuropathy of the tibial nerve
Step-by-step explanation:
The tibial nerve provides sensitivity to the plant
foot; comes from the sciatic nerve and then
The tarsal tunnel is divided into three branches:
medial plantar branch, lateral plantar branch and medial calcaneal nerve. Although compression of these is not common, it is a cause of failure in the diagnosis and chronic pain of the patient. Compression of the lateral plantar nerve causes pain and paresthesia in the external part of the foot, unlike the medial plantar nerve that does it in the middle area, while the lateral calcaneal nerve, especially in the heel.
Physical examination and medical history are
which mainly guides us towards
diagnosis; however, complementary tests, such as driving studies, can be useful. Treatment will always start conservatively, with changes in biomechanical abnormalities, use of shoes, etc., and can be supplemented with local application of corticosteroids. In some cases, when this treatment fails, surgical management with exploration and release is required.