a. 6 bits
b. 1
Step-by-step explanation:
Ans (a)
40 Characters need to be represent by binary coded Zebronian (BCZ) , So You will need 6 bits.
5 bits wold only give you 32 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 unique characters.
So 6 bits would allow you to represent 64 characters.
BCD = Binrary Coded Decimal is very common in electronics, particularly it displays numerical data.
BCD Encodes each digit of a decimal number into 4 digit binary form.
Each decimal digit is indiviidually converted to oits binary equivalent
For Example : 146 , the decimal degits are replaced by 0001 , 0100 and 0110 respectively
1 0 = 10 is binary value of 2 2
+1 1 = 11 is binary value of 3 + 3
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1 0 1 5 Ans
1 1= binary value of 3 3
- 1 0 = binary value of 2 - 2
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0 1 1 Ans