To find 48% of 20, you'll have to multiply 0.48 (48% as a decimal -- to get this divide 48 by 100).
48% ⇒ 0.48
20 × 0.48 = 9.6
48% of 20 is 9.6%.
If you wanna check this, subtract 48(%) from 100(%).
100 - 48 = 52
Now find 52% of 20 using the same method as before.
52% ⇒ 0.52
20 × 0.52 = 10.4
Now if you subtract 9.6 from 20 you should get 10.4, and 10.4 plus 9.6 equals 20.
20 - 9.6 = 10.4
10.4 + 9.6 = 20
Hope this helped :)