Answer: reptiles are ectothermic , while Amphibians are endothermic
Explanation:reptiles and Amphibians are vertebrate.reptiles are a group of air breathing vertebrates that have internal fertilization and scaly bodies.some difference between Amphibians and reptiles include
1)the presence of dried scale in reptiles to prevent water Amphibians, their skin is smooth and moist and without scale
2)reptiles have more powerful jaws
3) internal fertilization is in reptiles while fertilization is usually external in Amphibians
4)the Amphibians respire by gills, lungs , mouth or through their most skin but reptiles respire through the lungs.
But Reptiles are ectothermal and so are Amphibians
They are both terrestrial and aquatic organisms.they both have separate sexes.
Examples of Amphibians are salamander and frog.example of reptile are turtle and alligator