It states that time spent on social networking sites & twitter have a strong positive correlation.
Correlation is the statistical measure of co-movement relationship between two variables. Correlation Coefficient 'r' lies between -1 & +1
Correlation can be following on basis of variables relationship direction
- Positive Correlation : It means two variables move in the same direction - one variable increase, other variable increase & one variable decrease, other variable decrease. 'r' is positive.
- Negative Correlation : It means two variables move in opposite direction - one variable increase, other variable decrease & one variable decrease, other variable increase. 'r' is negative.
Correlation can be following on the basis of variables :
- Strong Correlation : It means the variables fluctuations are more inter-related. r > 0.5
- Weak Correlation : It means the variables fluctuations are less inter-related. r < 0.5
Correlation between times spent on social networking sites & twitter is 0.8 This r = 0.8 means that the two activities have strong positive correlation. It implies that increase in one lead to increase in other activity & vice versa, by a high magnitude.