Final answer:
To retrieve all order details in a single query, you can use the JOIN keyword to connect the necessary tables based on their relationships.
Step-by-step explanation:
Query to retrieve all orders details:
SELECT Customers.customerName, Employees.lastName, Shippers.shipperName, Products.productName, OrderDetails.quantity, Orders.orderDate FROM Customers JOIN Orders ON Customers.customerID = Orders.customerID JOIN OrderDetails ON Orders.orderID = OrderDetails.orderID JOIN Products ON OrderDetails.productID = Products.productID JOIN Employees ON Orders.employeeID = Employees.employeeID JOIN Shippers ON Orders.shipperID = Shippers.shipperID;
This query joins multiple tables in order to retrieve the required information. It uses the JOIN keyword to connect the relevant tables based on their primary and foreign key relationships. Each table is referenced with an alias to make the query more readable and manageable.
Example result:
customerName | lastName | shipperName | productName | quantity | orderDate
John Smith | Brown | Express Shipping | Widget A | 10 | 2022-01-05