The ROE for 2017 is 35.48% while the ROA for 2017 is 9.565%
The return on equity (ROE) is the return the company earns over the shareholders equity. It is a profitability measure in relation to a business's equity. The formula for ROE is,
ROE = Net Income / Shareholder's Equity
The return on assets, on the other hand, is the return earned by a company over the total assets employed. It is a profitability measure in relation to the total assets of a business. The formula for ROA is,
ROA = Net Income / Average Total assets
Average total assets = (Total assets at start + Total assets at end) / 2
For 2017:
ROE = 11000 / 31000 = 0.3548 or 35.48%
Average total assets = (105000 + 125000) / 2 = $115000
ROA = 11000 / 115000 = 0.09565 or 9.565%