Infer Review lines 24-35. How can you tell that the text is from a biography? Colin Powell is one of an American politician as well as one of the general in the army of United States. he has beautifully described all his experiences and how he acted as a leader in all circumstances.
2 Interpret Review lines 72-89 what information does the author provide about hunt point? What do you think is the author reason's for including this information? Colin Powell in his biography spoke about several things that happened and that were a reason for his success today, while he was growing up. In these lines where he is talking about how his life in different geographical locations developed his personality. Colin Powell in his biography spoke about several things that happened and that were a reason for his success today, while he was growing up. In these lines where he is talking about how his life in different geographical locations developed his personality. He grew up in that area called Hunts Point in Bronx. His memories, experiences, personality, play, almost everything important for a person to build up an attitude happened there. He includes this place while writing these lines to explain the intensity that he has felt, and he feels for that place when his parents had to immigrate from there.
3 Analyze Review the text to determine over what period of time the events in Colin Powell: military leader take place. Then make a timeline that shows when the most important events occur.
The period of time the events in Colin Powell: military leader takes place in New York Matthean
4 Synthesize what purpose do you think the author had for writing colin Powell: military leader. The author's main purpose in writing the biography is to give us access to the commendable life of military Leader Colin Powell. Through his writing, he wants to show us how Powell's life presents an exemplary story of a hard-working man with a strong work ethic that made America proud.
5 Infer what is Powell’s purpose for writing his memoir? Explain how it is similar to or different from warren brown’s purpose for writing the biography. Powell is writing on the time he took a mid-year work as a watchman in Pepsi's Long Island plant. Around then, it was a vocation done by Dark individuals however he couldn't have cared less. He simply needed to work. One year from now, he was given a vocation packaging machines at the plant which was held for White people. He did that well as well. He reviews this episode as it shows him in a positive light as somebody who couldn't have cared less for racial isolation.
6 compare lines 1-15 in it worked for me and line 148-158 in colin Powell: military leader. How does the portrayal of Powell's after school job differ in each text? Explain why each author treated this event differently. In the memoir, Powell focusses on his friendship with the Russian Jewish immigrant that forms as a result of his after-school job at the latter's furniture store. In the biography, the focus is on showing his after-school life as a teenager and how it impacted him and not his personal connections.
7 Compare lines 78-86 of Powell's memoir with lines 139-147 in the biography. How are the two descriptions of Powell alike and different? Tell whether you think one is more accurate than the other and if so, why. Powell in his memoir admits that he was an average student but suggests that it was not because of a lack of trying. He refers to himself as hardworking and dedicated. By contrast, in the memoir, we are told that he was a mediocre student mainly because he was indifferent to education.
It is possible that the biography is more accurate as a third person point of view presents a less biased view. Autobiographers/memoirists often get carried away and embellish the truth.
8 Draw conclusions Review colin Powell: military leader. What primary and secondary sources do you think the author might have used. The primary sources the author might have used could be a book or a journal by Colin or direct quotes from Colin. They could have had interviews with his friends, family, teachers, or other students. Some secondary sources might have been books written about Powell or things said about him from other people.